Have you ever found yourself searching the internet for answers to your health questions? Or, maybe you’ve been given great advice by a medical professional and just haven’t known how to begin implementing the necessary changes. Perhaps you’ve been able to incorporate the advice but found that it just wasn’t sustainable. If so, you’re not alone!

While about 75% of people stick with their New Year’s Resolutions for the first week, less than half (46%) are on target six months later. Not surprisingly, by the time my clients find me, many have tried multiple approaches and have become incredibly frustrated. They’re ready to do the work to create optimal health for themselves and their families, but they just haven’t found a way to make it work for the long term.

A Health Coach is a knowledgeable advisor, who supports their clients in developing targeted goals and a viable plan for moving forward. Work with your Health Coach would include the implementation of basic, health-supportive principles and, potentially, carrying out regimens prescribed by your medical professionals. In supporting real-world lifestyle and behavioral changes, Health Coaches play a crucial role in health maintenance, disease prevention, and even disease reversal — supporting the concerted mission of all healthcare professionals to increase health and quality of life. Health Coaches work in partnership with doctors’ offices, wellness centers, gyms, spas and businesses/corporations.

As a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I discuss dietary habits, as well as non-food forms of nourishment. These may include lifestyle factors such as career, spirituality, physical activity and relationships. The Health Coach does not diagnose or treat, but rather assesses a client’s overall well-being, allowing the client to drive conversations and determine areas of desired focus.

Some of the areas of focus may include:
1. Setting and accomplishing goals in a way that is empowering and sustainable,
2. Assisting the client in achieving and maintaining their ideal weight,
3. Helping the client understand and reduce cravings,
4. Implementing strategies to improve energy levels,
5. Assisting the client in identifying areas of stress and implementing stress reduction techniques,
6. Assisting the client in discovering how to feel great in their body,
7. Helping the client learn about and introduce new foods – perhaps with one-on-one cooking classes,
8. Implementing a healthy, well-constructed cleanse to reset overall health and weight,
9. Assisting the client in identifying career aspirations and developing strategies to actualize these goals,
9. Helping the client in implementation of a healthy work/life balance to nurture a lifetime of good health,
10. Assisting the client in discovering the vision and confidence to create the life of their dreams.

A Health Coach serves as an active and supportive listener, utilizing various core coaching skills that allow a client to discover their own challenges and solutions. This self-discovery is paramount in empowering the client to take the reins for long-term success. The client learns how to observe the body’s responses to various lifestyle and dietary modifications, make appropriate adjustments and hold themselves accountable.

If you’ve been struggling to implement a sustainable plan for optimal health, I would love to partner with you as your Health Coach in 2018! Call me today! Here’s to a spectacularly healthy year ahead for you and yours!

Debbie Miller, INHC, CHHP

Member American College of Nutrition
Member International Association of Health Coaches
Member American Association of Drugless Practitioners

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