Have you ever met a Snap Dragon?  You know . . . the guy who’s lost his SNAP! . . . and his tail is Draggin’?  You’ve probably met an abundance of these people.  You may even be one yourself.  At some point, we all have periods of low energy.  There can be many possible causes, but here’s the short list:

  • Low or fluctuating blood sugar
  • Lack of exercise 
  • Insufficient sleep
  • Toxic exposures
  • Colds, flu, infections 
  • Sluggish Liver 
  • Nutritional deficiencies and/or poor diet
  • Extra weight
  • Dehydration
  • Allergies
  • Depression and overwhelm
  • Impaired or dysfunctional digestion
  • Overwhelmed or dysregulated immune system

For normally healthy people, there can be some fairly easy solutions.  However, these solutions do not come without some thought, attention, and work. Here’s a quick review of the top four Snap Dragon culprits.

Fluctuating Blood Sugar

The basic principle here is to refrain from eating refined sugars and carbohydrates and eliminate rapid spikes in blood sugar.  Combining low-glycemic foods with high-quality protein and fiber sources will help you avoid crashes, balance blood sugar and avoid the blood sugar blues. Although this sounds pretty basic, each person is bioindividually unique and will need to do some exploration to find out what works best for them.

Nutritional Deficiencies and Poor Diet

Consume fresh, whole foods provided by nature to maximize nutrient intake and absorption.  Include at least 6 to 9 servings of fresh greens, rainbow vegetables, and low glycemic fruits, such as berries.  Add in nuts, beans, whole grains, healthy fats, and organic protein sources, either vegan or free-range poultry and lean meats.  Again, it’s important to work around the individual’s likes, dislikes, food sensitivities and/or allergies.

For a multitude of reasons, most medical professionals now recommend filling in nutritional gaps with a solid multivitamin/mineral supplement.  Make sure you do your due diligence and thoroughly research products and companies!  If you’d like my detailed report on how to choose a safe and complete multi, please follow this link to my e-book on the topic:debbiemiller.yourwellnessproject.com/vitamin-checklist

Lack of Exercise

Regular, daily exercise is a key component of any healthy lifestyle and is necessary to achieve optimal energy levels.  For normally healthy people, the rule of thumb is to shoot for at least 10,000 steps (5 miles) per day.  Strength and resistance training are also important. Check with your medical professional before beginning any exercise program.  I recommend working with a certified personal trainer to develop a program that’s right for YOU.

Shedding the Extra Pounds

Achieving a healthy weight can do wonders for your energy level, but how do you find the appropriate weight management/maintenance program to meet your specific needs? There are many micro and macro-nutrient deficient programs out there with a great number of unsafe ingredients.  To complicate matters, individuals who have gone from one program to another, yo-yoing up and down, have most likely slowed their metabolism, making it even more difficult to lose weight.

As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I work alongside my clients to help them to create a program that’s geared to their unique food likes and dislikes, goals, health status, and nutritional needs.  I am trained to provide ongoing support for long-term success, as lifestyle and dietary needs change.

If you’d like more information on how you can leave your Snapdragon existence in the past, please reach out through the “Work with Me” tab here on my website.  I’d love to assist you on your path to optimal health!

To Your Amazing Health and Abundant Energy!


Debbie Miller, CHHC, INHC, FNL-DI
Integrative Wellness and Prevention Health Coach
Gut/Digestive Health Educator

American College of Nutrition
International Association of Health Coaches
American Association of Drugless Practitioners

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